The Forum congratulates our 2024 Curriculum Award Winners, Pingchien Neo and Jenna Gonzalez from the University of Florida and Chris Lawlor and Cara Simon from Learn International. These educators were celebrated during the virtual Award Presentation of the 21st Annual Conference on February 27, 2025. Click here to read the Forum’s news story about all of The Forum’s 2024 Award Winners.
Source: The Forum on Education Abroad
Award for Excellence in Education Abroad Curriculum Design
Winner: The University of Florida - Course/Program: Technological Applications for Disability Access; UF in London
The Forum’s Excellence in Curriculum Design celebrates educators who develop and implement innovative, high-impact education abroad curricula. As the only award in the field dedicated to recognizing outstanding course design, it honors individuals or teams whose work enhances student learning and engagement through thoughtfully crafted programs.
The Forum congratulates the following educators involved in this course:
Pingchien Neo, Director of International Engineering Programs at the University of Florida
Jenna Gonzalez, Director of the Disability Resource Center at the University of Florida
Chris Lawlor, CEO and Co-Founder of Learn International
Cara Simon, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Learn International
Curriculum Award Winning Educators from left to right: Pingchien Neo, Jenna Gonzalez, Chris Lawlor, and Cara Simon.
Together, these educators have designed a course that challenges students to apply technological solutions to accessibility issues while considering cultural, social, and policy-driven factors. Their interdisciplinary backgrounds—from engineering and special education to program development and cultural immersion—underscore the transformative potential of global learning when accessibility and innovation intersect. You are invited to learn more about these educators who have a shared vision for impactful and inclusive education abroad programming.