Explore frequently asked questions about the International Scholars Program & Peace Corps Prep.

Program Eligibility and Requirements

  • Am I eligible to apply to the International Scholars Program?
    Any degree-seeking undergraduate student at the University of Florida, who is in good academic standing, can enroll in the International Scholars Program.
  • Is the International Scholars Program only for students who want to work internationally or focus on international academics?
    Absolutely not! No matter what your interests are, where you work, or what you study now and in the future, your global awareness and intercultural skills are a key aspect to your overall learning and development as a professional. You will develop skills and competencies that are transferable to any career and field.
  • What are the requirements for completing the International Scholars Program?
    Program Requirements can be found on our website here.
  • When should I enroll in the International Scholars Program?
    Enroll now! The International Scholars Program (ISP) has a rolling admission deadline. Ideally students will enroll in ISP during their first semester at UF; however, we are happy to accommodate undergraduate students at any point of their UF journey.  Students are encouraged to enroll in ISP by the end of add/drop of the first semester of their senior year (defined as having at least two semesters remaining at UF, including the semester they are enrolling) so there is plenty of time to ensure completion of all program requirements.
  • Will the International Scholars Program show up on my transcript or affect my GPA?
    The International Scholars Program (ISP) is a medallion distinction program, not a transcript designation. While the courses you take will affect your GPA, finishing or not finishing the ISP requirements will not negatively impact your GPA or show on your transcript. 
  • How long will it take for me to complete the International Scholars Program? Will it delay my graduation?
    The International Scholars Program (ISP) should not delay your graduation since you do not have to take credits exclusive to ISP to complete the program. 
  • I am a transfer student. Can I enroll in the International Scholars Program?
    Yes. The International Scholars Program (ISP) is open to all degree seeking undergraduate students at UF. ISP will accept 9 hours of transfer credit from a domestic institution of higher education to count toward the international coursework requirement. ISP will recognize a study abroad completed with another institution before attending UF toward the international experience. ISP will recognize language learning credits completed at an institution of higher education. 
  • I am a UF online student. Can I enroll in the International Scholars Program?
    Yes. It is possible to complete the International Scholars Program (ISP) as a UF online student. There are online options for meeting all ISP requirements. In addition to online options, students who live outside of the Gainesville area can complete international co-curricular events in their community. 
  • I am an international student at UF. Can I join the International Scholars Program?
    Yes. All undergraduate students at UF are eligible to enroll in and complete the International Scholars Program (ISP). Your experience as an international student can count toward the international experience requirement. Contact an ISP advisor to learn more.


  • What courses count as international for meeting the coursework requirement?
    The International Scholars Program (ISP) classifies a course as fully international when the course content is based on an international topic. These courses often have international, global, world, or cultural in the course title. Courses that focus on a specific region of the world like the Middle East or Latin America also count toward the coursework requirement. ISP recognizes all Gen Ed and Quest courses classified (N) for international as international coursework. Explore international course options with the UF Course Search Gen Ed Categories filter. If you have questions about a specific course, contact an ISP advisor.
  • What if my course isn’t fully international but has international components? Can that count?
    The International Scholars Program classifies a course as having a significant international component (partially international) when a course’s content is at least 30% focused on international issues or international populations in the United States or 30% of the course grade is based on a project that is international in scope.

    ​Examples of projects that qualify:
    • virtual exchange with international partners
    • meaningful interactions with international communities at home or abroad
    • course project (e.g. research poster) on an international topic
  • Do world language courses count as international courses?
    Language courses at the 3000 level and above count toward the coursework requirement. Language courses taken at the 1000 and 2000 level do not count toward the coursework requirement, but do count for meeting the international experience/language study requirement. 
  • Can courses I’ve taken for my major/minor/certificates also count for International Scholars Program?
    Yes, because the International Scholars Program (ISP) is not a transcript designation, ISP course credits are not exclusive to the program. This means that courses that count toward your major, minor, or certificate program can count also toward ISP requirements.
    Coursework completed for ISP may be academic electives, meet Gen Ed, Quest, or core class requirements. All of this depends on your college and academic department.
    Keep in mind that AP and IB credits will not be accepted for the international coursework or language learning requirements.
  • Do courses from a study abroad count as international courses for meeting the coursework requirement?
    Yes. Courses taken as part of study abroad count as international coursework. This includes courses taken as part of a UF study abroad program, an exchange program, or any courses completed at an accredited institution of higher education that is not located within the United States.
  • Do courses I completed before enrolling in the International Scholars Program count for the program?
    Yes. Courses completed at UF before enrolling in the International Scholars Program (ISP) can count toward the coursework and language learning requirement. If classes were not completed at UF, ISP will accept 9 hours of transfer credit from a domestic institution of higher education to count toward the international coursework requirement. ISP will accept any language credit completed at an institution of higher education to count toward the language learning requirement.
  • Will the International Scholars Program accept AP or IB credit toward the coursework requirement?
    No. The International Scholars Program (ISP) does not accept credit by examination to meet the coursework requirement. This includes credit from International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) exams.

Language Learning or International Experience

  • I hope to study abroad, but if I don’t, can I still enroll in the program?
    Yes! As much as we would like every student to have the opportunity to study abroad, we know that some are unable to do so. That is why we have set one requirement that can be met with one of two options: language learning or international experience! Review the ISP requirements to learn more.
  • How can I get more information on studying abroad?
    UFIC Study Abroad Services is here to support you in finding a study abroad program that fits your needs! We strongly encourage you to attend a study abroad info session and meet with a study abroad advisor to consider all your options. You can learn more about studying abroad here
  • Does international travel, mission work, volunteering, or internships count as international experiences for the International Scholars Program?
    ​The International Scholars Program (ISP) accepts many different types of international experiences including but not limited to the following examples:
    • International service trips including volunteering or religion-based service
    • Internships abroad
    • International research programs
    • International travel with a significant cultural exchange like a heritage trip, visiting family abroad, or a work exchange

      Please contact an ISP advisor with any questions regarding the acceptance of a specific experience.
  • I already speak a language other than English. Will that count toward the language learning requirement?
    The International Scholars Program is happy to give heritage speakers with language proficiency credit for the language learning requirement. Students will need to provide documentation from the Teaching Center demonstrating language proficiency. Please note, there is a payment required for certain language proficiency tests offered through the Teaching Center. More details can be found on their website and below.

    ​Students can do this by:
    • Earning a 59 or higher on the CLEP French Language exam or 63 or higher on the CLEP Spanish Language exam.
    • Passing the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam for a corresponding language listed on the Teaching Center Website.
    • (If fluent in Russian or Chinese Mandarin) Having their skills evaluated by the Russian or Chinese departments. For Russian, please contact Professor Galina Rylkova. For Chinese-Mandarin, please contact Professor Han Xu
    • (If the language spoken is not one taught at UF or offered through the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam) Contacting Kathy Rex to discuss further options.
  • I took the AP/IB exam for a foreign language in high school, does that meet the language requirement?
    The International Scholars Program (ISP) does not accept AP or IB credits toward the program’s language requirement. ISP values continuing language learning, and therefore asks that students go beyond high school language requirements. Advance your proficiency in a language you already speak, or take one of the 30+ languages offered at UF!
    Any student interested in demonstrating their proficiency in a language to waive the language requirement for ISP is invited to take the CLEP or Foreign Language Proficiency Exam for their language. Please see question 20 for details.
  • I am an international student at UF. Does my time in the US count as international experience for the International Scholars Program?
    Yes! Contact an ISP advisor to learn more.

Global Campus Activities

  • What counts as a global campus activity?
    Many activities count as global campus activity for the International Scholars Program (ISP). Below is a list of types of campus life events. Events may be academic in nature, like a panel or speaker series, or social events. If you have any questions with regards to a specific event, please contact an ISP advisor.

    ​Event Examples
    • Any event sponsored by the International Scholars Program 
    • Any event advertised as a campus life event in the ISP newsletter or on ISP social media
    • Events hosted by international or intercultural identity based organizations at UF e.g. events hosted by the Arab Student’s Association at UF, Korean Undergraduate Student Association, etc.
    • Events hosted by cultural centers at UF with an international focus e.g. events hosted by the Center for African Studies, Center for European Studies, Latin American Studies, etc. 
    • Community based events with an international focus e.g. Harn Museum Nights with international themes, India Fest in Gainesville, etc. 
  • I am an active member or hold a leadership position in an intercultural organization. Do events I plan or host count toward my ISP requirements?
    If you are an active member of any intercultural or internationally focused organization such as the Arab Student’s Association at UF, ELI conversation partners, the NaviGators, or the Study Abroad Peer Advisors (SAPAs) and help plan or facilitate events, those events can count toward your campus life engagement.
  • How do I find campus life events?
    You can find campus life events by reading the International Scholars Program (ISP) newsletter and following ISP on social media. You can also find events by reading the communications from your major, minor, or certificate program. Follow UF organizations on social media to see advertised events and opportunities. Subscribe to newsletters from centers and departments that interest you. 
  • Do virtual events count as global campus activities?
    Yes. Virtual events count as global campus activities.

Peace Corps Prep Program

  • What is the difference between Peace Corps Prep and Peace Corps?
    Peace Corps (PC) Prep is a program available to UF students currently enrolled in the International Scholars Program (ISP). After students complete all ISP and PC Prep requirements, they will receive a certificate from Peace Corps acknowledging their completion of Peace Corps Prep. 
    Peace Corps is a service opportunity for volunteers to fully integrate into a host country community, where they will live and work on projects ranging from education to business development. Peace Corps volunteers are college graduates or those with at least 5 years of applicable professional experience. To learn more about Peace Corps opportunities, contact the UF Peace Corps recruiter.
  • Am I eligible for enrollment in Peace Corps Prep?
    All students who enroll in the International Scholars Program (ISP) also have the option of co-enrolling in the Peace Corps (PC) Prep Program. PC Prep requires completing all ISP requirements in addition to 3 sector specific courses and 50 hours of documented hands-on experience within that sector. Learn more about PC Prep here
  • Should I join Peace Corps Prep?
    ​Peace Corps (PC) Prep may have a particular appeal to students who are interested in international development and plan to apply to the Peace Corps. However, applying to the Peace Corps is not a requirement and we expect International Scholars will co-enroll in PC Prep for many different reasons. Here are a few examples:
    • You may be interested in gaining volunteer experience in a particular Peace Corps work sector: education, health, environment, agriculture, youth in development, and community economic development. This volunteer experience can be great career preparation for a variety of fields.
    • PC Prep is a great resume-builder for any field.
    • If you decide to apply to Peace Corps, PC Prep will make your application more competitive.
    • Your participation in PC Prep will enhance your understanding of international development.
    • It will provide you with a clear understanding of Peace Corps as one potential next step after graduation.

No matter your reason, we encourage you to co-enroll in the PC Prep Program!

  • How can I enroll in Peace Corps Prep?
    Students can enroll in Peace Corps (PC) Prep by completing the International Scholars Program application and selecting their interest in PC Prep. Students can also enroll in PC Prep after they have enrolled in the International Scholars Program by contacting an ISP advisor.
  • What is a sector course?
    A sector course is a course that aligns with one of the six work sectors which Peace Corps uses to place volunteers. The six sectors are health, education, agriculture, environment, community economic development, youth in development. To complete Peace Corps Prep, students must complete 3 courses in their chosen sector.
  • How do I know if my course counts as a sector course?
    To know if a course counts for a specific sector, you can review the sector icons on the Peace Corps (PC) Prep page which have sector specific areas of study. Any course from these areas of study will count as a sector course. You can also review the PC Prep Student Planning Guide available to enrolled students in Canvas. You can also contact the PC Prep Coordinator to determine if a specific course counts as a sector course.
  • Can I enroll in Peace Corps Prep alone?
    No. Students must co-enroll in the International Scholars Program (ISP) and Peace Corps (PC) Prep. While ISP can be completed successfully without the addition of PC Prep, PC Prep cannot be completed without successfully completing all of the ISP requirements.
  • How long will it take for me to complete Peace Corps Prep and the International Scholars Program?
    Completing Peace Corps (PC) Prep and the International Scholars Program (ISP) should not delay your graduation. Some of the coursework you complete for ISP could also meet the sector course requirements of the PC Prep Program, and depending on the program and focus, it is also possible that your ISP international experience, such as study abroad, could meet the PC Prep 50 hours of sector experience requirement as well.
  • Where can I get more information on the International Scholars Program and Peace Corps Prep?
    Review the ISP Getting Started page to learn more and enroll in the programs. Review the Peace Corps Prep Program page and explore the Peace Corps sectors. Contact an ISP advisor for any other questions.