Dr. Kathleen Colverson was recently in Rwanda and Ethiopia to facilitate workshops and undertake research with graduate students at the University of Rwanda and Addis Ababa University. The research was part of planned work with the USAID funded Livestock Systems Innovation Lab (https://livestocklab.ifas.ufl.edu/) and involved examining the roles of smallholder male and female farmers in both the pork and poultry value chains. Of particular interest are income generating activities for women and approaches that will allow women to retain greater decision making with the sale of pigs and poultry. Previous research has demonstrated that if women have greater control of household income, then overall family nutrition and health improve. There is also interest in identifying innovative methods of engaging men more as “Chicken Champions” to help increase household consumption of eggs, particularly by young children, and explore how women can be more involved in generating income as livestock technicians. More examples of Dr. Colverson’s work are found at https://livestocklab.ifas.ufl.edu/themes/cctgy/.