We are excited to announce that four new pre-arrival informational videos have been created to assist newly admitted UF international students in preparing for their studies in the US. These videos provide valuable insights and guidance, helping students feel more confident and prepared as they approach their arrival.

These helpful videos will be available on the UFIC YouTube page, offering essential guidance for students as they prepare for their studies in the US. Be sure to share this valuable resource with your students!

Please note that these videos are supplemental and meant to complement the information provided by other campus offices, who are the experts in specific areas, as well as our own orientation materials.

Subscribe to the UF International Center YouTube page to be notified about new videos!

Global Gator Bites: Immunizations

Understanding immunization requirements before your arrival in Florida could save you a lot of time and money. This video presented by the UF International Center explains international student immunization requirements as outlined by the university's Health Compliance Office. Please direct inquiries to healthcompliance@shcc.ufl.edu


Global Gator Bites: Immunizations

To watch video, click here


Global Gator Bites: Off Campus Housing

Living off-campus can be a satisfying and rewarding experience for everyone, including international students. Before choosing your home away from home, you must consider what needs and preferences you have for not only the cost of rent, but also the distance from campus, length of your lease, roommates, and safety. This video presented by the UF International Center briefly outlines what you can expect when renting your off campus housing in Gainesville. Further resources are available at https://offcampus.ufl.edu/



To watch video, click here

Global Gator Bites: Health Care in the US and Gainesville

In this video presented by the UF International Center, we want to briefly cover the topics of health care in the US, resources available to you on UF campus, health insurance requirements, and what to expect when paying your medical bills.

To watch video, click here


Taxes and UF International Students and Scholars

This webinar presented by Sprintax explains everything you need to know about filing taxes as nonresidents for tax purposes. Please note that the UF International Center provides this information as a courtesy, and we are not tax professionals who can advise on your individual tax situation.



To watch video, click here


Subscribe to the UF International Center YouTube page to be notified about new videos!