Jordan Hayden is an undergraduate student from Jamaica. Before transferring to the University of Florida (UF), Jordan was pursuing a degree in Electronics Engineering at the University of the West Indies, Mona. He transferred his credits to UF and is now enrolled in a dual program in Electrical and Aerospace Engineering, with plans to pursue a Master’s in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, focusing on control systems. Jordan is an active member of the Swamp Launch Rocket Club at UF, where students design, build, test, and fly rockets. He used this experience to participate in the Spaceport America Cup this past June, where hundreds of rocket design teams competed in various categories in the New Mexico desert.

Jordan hopes to continue his career in aerospace engineering, aspiring to integrate cutting-edge technology into aeronautical control systems that make air travel more sustainable. He enjoys being part of the UFIC’s International Student Council, where he values the camaraderie and the opportunity to collaborate on improving the international student experience. 

Why did you choose to come to the University of Florida?
"I had initially planned to do aerospace engineering, and I knew that the University of the West Indies had a degree program where I could start my studies and then transfer my credits to the University of Florida to pursue what I actually wanted to do which is aerospace engineering. The reason why I chose the University of Florida is because of its rich heritage and reputation in engineering and research programs in which I am deeply interested."

Are you a part of any clubs here at UF?
"Being a part of the Swamp Launch Rocket Club has influenced my experience at the University of Florida in a positive way it allowed me to see the full potential that I was able to push myself to reach new heights in which was able to acquire data through new cutting take technology once the right principles are applied."

What is your favorite part of being on the International Student Council?
"I can meet with fellow students like me as we come together as a committee to discuss issues students are having on campus. We can foster a better environment where new students can come to the campus so that they can have an easier transition to the University of Florida. I like to I like to help and give back in whatever way possible so when I see there is a need to fix something I am always there to come up with a solution to the problem to see how best we can address the issue."


What do you hope to gain from your education at UF?
"University of Florida is a prime institution with a lot of smart minds therefore the quality experience that I gained here. I want to bring it into the working world where I'm able to use my skills developed here to improve on issues that we are now facing given that we're living in a more rapidly industrialized world.  Where we're able to use renewable energy sources to address issues that we are facing in the aerospace industry. Being able to use fuel aerospace fuel that is not harmful to the environment those product those protecting the ozone layer and reducing the impacts of the greenhouse gases.”


What would you like to share with other international students at UF?
"What I would like to share with other international students is that do not be afraid to come out of your comfort zone, do not be afraid to try something new. Go after your dreams, no matter how hard you think it may be to acquire. Nothing is impossible."


Did you experience any culture shock when you started at UF?
"The biggest challenge that I faced as an international student was being climatized to my new surroundings. Back in Jamaica, I was used to being in a class size of maybe 20 or 30 students but coming to University of Florida I was now in a class size of 100 to 200 students! The culture was different, and it was my first time in a new country so that even made it twice as difficult. I was able to overcome these challenges by not being afraid to meet new friends. I also tried to experience the culture instead of running away from it!"